Okay first let me make it clear to all of you that Alexa Rankings are useless .. and i think those who don’t believe me will be able to know about this there self once having a look into this post !!
Alexa shows the data it gets from peoples who browse using Alexa toolbar !! Thats the reason Google.Com is not #1 on Alexa rankings !!
So here we go if you want to get some good alexa ranks .. Download Alexa Toolbar and simply install it on your Internet Explorer.
Disclaimer: I’m not the original author of this script .. I got this script on SitePoint and the Orignal owner of this script is KLB. I’m providing this tool so as to make it clear to every one that Alexa Rank is nothing but is useless .. I wish if someone will ask you about this tool you will share this for free and will also not use this tool to do fraud and will not use this tool on others website.
Copy and Paste the below Alexa Booster code into notepad file and save as something.html. So here is the Alexa Booster Code :
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.2" type="text/javascript"><!--
function reload(){
var strI=document.stored.Arrayvalue.value;
var str = new Array(20);
// insert target URLs between quote marks in array items below.
// To add or remove the total number items in the array, add
// lines to or remove lines from the array below and
// modify the number in "Array()" above and "strI" below to
// be one greater than the last "str[]" value below.
str[1] = "";
str[2] = "";
str[3] = "";
str[4] = "";
str[5] = "";
str[6] = "";
str[7] = "";
str[8] = "";
str[9] = "";
str[10] = "";
str[11] = "";
str[12] = "";
str[13] = "";
str[14] = "";
str[15] = "";
str[16] = "";
str[17] = "";
str[18] = "";
str[19] = "";
if( strI==20){
document.stored.Arrayvalue.value= strI;
var intNumber=Math.round(Math.random()*45000);
</head><body onload="reload();">
<form name="stored"><input type="Text" name="Arrayvalue" value="1"></form>